News Opinion

Lance Herman releases ‘In the River, in Reverse’ video

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as watching well-shot black and white film footage of talented musicians playing original material. Lance Herman kept it really simple for his newest video release, but it really works.

The complexity of the lyrics of ‘In the River, in Reverse’, as well as the unusual melodies, rhythm and bass line could have well been lost if Herman had opted for a busy, psychedelic aesthetic. There is a seriousness that is felt with a traditional black and white colour palette, which matches the focused nature of the music.

Herman seems to have gently shed the skin of his highly successful project, Eliezer, and now has more space to experiment with his songwriting, as well as with bigger instrumentation. I haven’t heard anything quite like ‘In the River, in Reverse’ before, yet, like the video, the track is a really accessible piece that many will enjoy, I’m looking forward to seeing how Lance Herman’s latest music project unfolds. Watch the video below.

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