
Jodie Reid is here to put you in your feels with her latest album, Echoes Exposed

Honestly, it’s a pretty regular occurrence that you’ll listen to a song and, by the time it’s finished, realise you didn’t take in a single word. You won’t have this problem when dipping your toes into Jodie Reid’s latest album, the lyrically-driven and touching Echoes Exposed

With honeyed vocals and the aid of oh-so-softly strummed guitar-led melodies, Reid invites you on a journey that’ll take you deep into your feels. Her soothing-in-its-simplicity acoustic sound sits somewhere within folk territory, but shies away from the more buoyant side of the genre, opting for something a little slower that gives you more room to experience what she has to say. And, with 12 tracks to work your way through, there’s plenty to soak up. Your introduction to Echoes Exposed is slightly more upbeat, as the endearing “Where Do I Begin” launches Reid’s exploration into the intricacies of the emotions one experiences while in (or on the way out of) a relationship. 

Employing visceral lyricism in the form of sincere musings, she breathes life into her songs – from wanting to escape a relationship that’s weighing you down in the ethereal “Dive In” to reflecting on the consequences of past decisions in “Safety Ships”.

Feature pic by Simon Shiffman