
The Cooligans twist genre to their own devices in their groove-infused new EP, Death Of The Genre, Pt. 1

Jozi-hailing live five-piece, The Cooligans, are all about that genre sovereignty – a sort of refusal to be boxed in which leads to an impressive foray into genre-twisting, culture-hopping sonic experimentation. 

Their latest EP, Death Of The Genre, Pt. 1, comes as the first of two releases which will eventually make up their debut album, and serves as a taster for just what is to come. Just what is to come happens to be a groove-infused, synth-varied and expressly dynamic fusion of sound. 

Opener “Umkathi” hinges on tinny percussion, African rhythmics, and a driving hip-hop poetic narrative on stereotypes and societal juxtapositions – while “Tink O’ Somting” pulls on an Afro-beats and kwaito fusion, while leaning toward rhythmic unpredictability. It also features Smash, TK and Karabo Mohlala, while driving home a roaring encouragement of bravery. 

But it’s “00:00 Midnight” which really feels like it flexes just what they have on offer. Clocking in at just under twelve minutes, it moves through multiple sonic motions–from a silvery synth intro, bleeding into an off-kilter beat, spacey synth weaves throughout, and stuttered rhythm paring it in the middle. It reads like an extended sort of jam session looking to encompass the midnight hour. 

Then a fleeting, vibey outro wraps things up and all you’re left with is a fizzing sort of sonic aftermath which is as soothing as it is fascinating.

Feature pic supplied by artist