Majozi strikes a gorgeous contrast in his latest track “Honest”. Hinging an emotionally-laden topic on an infectious melodic backdrop, he navigates the realities of grappling with the bad days through the sun-soaked sonic lens of still seeing the good in it all.
Because the truth of the matter is that even the bad days are broken by a little sunshine, and Majozi drops nuggets of hope in amongst his searingly honest lyricism. A grounded bass line punctuates the pattering melodic foundation as delicate synths hover around the edges. Pop hooks reign supreme, filling out the edges and lifting the mood until the thematic nuance is almost overlooked.
And over it all, Majozi lays his heart on his sleeve as he navigates his personal ups and downs, and the overarching stigma we all grapple when it comes to being honest about just how bad things feel right now. “I’m just not feeling all right,” he croons again and again in his trademark liquid timbre.
The juxtaposition of infectious pop tropes and emotive candour lends a whole lot of nuance of Majozi’s sound and it’s hard not to get swept away.
Feature pic supplied by artist